Since the beginning of the new year, Surfwanderer has met many great photographers who’s eye for something interesting through their surf photography will have them showcasing their photography to many surf magazines in the near future.

Dylan Gordon has just turned 21, literally a night or two ago, and between myself and the other editors of, we are blown away by his ability to capture color, and the power of real life in his photos. Here’s a short sample. If you don’t know Dylan Gordon’s work yet, trust me, you will! As a photographer myself, this guy totally inspires me through his work…oh ya, he’s a totally killer guy too!

Having just graduated from Brooks Institute of Photography, and doing an internship with Chris Burkard, Gordon brings both the knowledge of color and the photography business to his work. He’s already been hired by some big time surf industry leaders to do product photo shoots and color work editing for advertisement campaigns. He’s the real deal, and we’re proud to be working with him.  He just finished a month in Hawaii shooting with the Maui boys, and has now just touched land in Canada for a month of swell.  Check back soon and we’ll try to journal some of his adventures.


Follow Dylan on instagram @dylangordon  or his website at